Bronx Academy of Multi-Media Laptop Donations
By allowing guests to round-up their change to the next highest dollar amount through their online order, funds raised went directly toward laptops and school supplies to help support many under-resourced junior high and high school students returning to remote learning.

Chipotle’s mission is to cultivate a better world. In 2020, many students and schools faced challenges due to COVID-19, from navigating online schooling to ensuring that every student is provided proper supplies to continue their education from home. With this in mind, Chipotle leveraged its real change feature on the Chipotle app and to support Kids in Need Foundation, a national non-profit organization that partners with teachers and students in underserved schools to provide the resources needed for teachers to teach and learners to learn. By allowing guests to round-up their change to the next highest dollar amount through their online order, funds raised went directly toward laptops and school supplies to help support many under-resourced junior high and high school students returning to remote learning.
Bronx Academy of Multi-Media, a school of 290 students in grades 6-8, was a direct recipient through Chipotle’s round-up. By receiving backpacks with laptops, Chipotle meal cards and other school supplies, BAMM is able to ensure their students are set up for success and have fewer things to worry about during a confusing and tumultuous time in their lives.
“The school year has been a rollercoaster for our faculty, students and our families, but today, we have an awesome opportunity to help our kids, and we’re thankful for it,” a representative from BAMM told us.
The generosity of Chipotle customers has allowed Chipotle and Kids in Need Foundation to purchase and stuff backpacks for all 290 BAMM students.
Nick Synan from Chipotle says, “This effort provides us with the opportunity to give back to the Bronx community. That’s really important to us. We want to be a part of and support our communities – for example, Chipotle has donated more than $50 million to local schools, PTAs, sports teams, and more nationwide. We’ve made it simple to set up community fundraisers, too. If there’s an organization program or nonprofit you want to support, head to to set up a fundraiser with a 25% give-back.”
Chipotle and Kids in Need Foundation are making similar donations to 8 other schools in different cities, ultimately outfitting nearly 2,300 students with supplies they need for a successful school year. To learn more about Chipotle’s round-up to Kids in Need Foundation, click here.
If your organization is interested in hosting a fundraiser at your local Chipotle, apply here.