Raise More Funds
March 2, 2021
How to Set and Track Fundraising Goals
When planning a fundraiser, there are many steps that need to be taken in order to host a successful event. From planning the event itself to advertising to participants, it’s important to …
February 23, 2021
How to Create a Fundraising Plan
Great fundraising planning begins with two things: reflection and preparation. By reflecting on previous fundraising efforts, you can celebrate past accomplishments, consider what you’ve learned and apply it moving forward. Taking time …
February 9, 2021
Animal Advocacy Fundraising: How to Raise Money for an Animal Shelter
No matter what city or state you live in, you likely know someone who has owned a rescue animal. It’s estimated that approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide …
February 4, 2021
How to Use Fundraising to Help the Homeless
Homelessness has been an issue the US has struggled with for years, and the numbers of people facing homelessness have only increased due to COVID-19. This is a subject matter that is …
January 21, 2021
Benefits of Restaurant Fundraisers
Restaurant fundraiser nights are a great way for groups to come together and enjoy a meal while raising money for their organization’s needs. Fundraiser nights have many benefits and are generally very …
January 12, 2021
Chipotle Online Fundraising Event Ideas
If you’re reading this, you are likely interested in hosting a fundraiser or learning more about how to fundraise, especially online. If you do a web search on best ways to fundraise, …
November 17, 2020
How to Raise Money For Your Fraternity or Sorority
Whether you’ve ever been a member of Greek life or not, you likely know someone that is or was a member of a sorority or fraternity as there are active organizations around …
October 22, 2020
How to Promote Your Fundraiser with a Facebook Event
Fundraising is a great way to bring people together to work towards a goal of raising money for the organizations that mean the most to you. As a leader in restaurant fundraising, …
October 15, 2020
How Much Does the Average Chipotle Fundraiser Raise?
If you’ve never held a fundraiser with Chipotle, they’re a fun, easy and delicious way to raise money for your favorite team, club, school or non-profit. Even if you have hosted a …
October 13, 2020
What Fundraising Teaches Students
If you’re reading this, you’re most likely interested in hosting a fundraiser with Chipotle or you have already hosted a fundraiser in the past with Chipotle. As a leader in restaurant fundraisers, …
October 6, 2020
How to Fundraise with Chipotle: An Easy Five Step Guide
Fundraising should be an easy and fun way to get your organization together and raise funds for what you care about the most. As a host, it can be challenging to determine …