Social Impact
May 27, 2021
The Impact of Community Centric Fundraising
Fundraising is a way to not only raise money for a cause or organization that you care about, but it also comes with many additional benefits. Fundraisers often involve support from family, …
May 18, 2021
Fundraising Ideas for Environmental Groups
If you’re looking for fundraising ideas for your environmental group, consider hosting an environmentally friendly fundraiser! There are many great ideas that can be successful while limiting waste and having a positive …
March 11, 2021
Bronx Academy of Multi-Media Laptop Donations
Chipotle’s mission is to cultivate a better world. In 2020, many students and schools faced challenges due to COVID-19, from navigating online schooling to ensuring that every student is provided proper supplies …
February 25, 2021
The Graham School Donation
In the fall of 2020, Chipotle featured Kids in Need Foundation (KINF) as a Round Up for Real Change partner on its app and website. Customers were invited to round up their …
November 19, 2020
Why It’s Important for Companies to Give Back to the Community
Why do companies give back to the community? In 2020, brands have jumped at the opportunity to give back to the community to support COVID-19 relief efforts, social injustice movements, and Pride …
October 13, 2020
Benefits of Having a Community Garden
Healthy eating is known to be important for living a healthy life, but for some it may not be realistic or budget friendly to sustain. Real, organic foods are often perceived to …