PTA Fundraising Ideas
If you’re a part of the PTA and are looking for fundraising ideas for the coming school year, we’ve put together some of the best PTA fundraising ideas to help you plan your next event.

One of the more important aspects of a school PTA is funding and helping the school’s programs and academics . This is a large responsibility and fundraising is the primary way PTAs can positively impact their schools. If you’re a part of the PTA and are looking for fundraising ideas for the coming school year, we’ve put together some of the best PTA fundraising ideas to help you plan your next event.
PTA Fundraising Ideas
- Restaurant fundraiser: Restaurant fundraisers are one of the best options for PTAs wanting to host an easy and successful fundraiser. Chipotle fundraisers have great kids meal options with real ingredients as well as other meals that can be enjoyed by the whole family! Chipotle fundraisers give back 25% of event sales, subject to achieving a minimum of $150 in fundraiser sales, and are easy to set up and host. If your supporters want a fast and convenient way to participate, we offer a digital option where they are able to place their order online or in the app for pickup by using the unique fundraiser code. To host your PTA fundraiser with Chipotle, apply here.
- School auction: School auctions are an opportunity to have your PTA partner with local businesses and engage community members that may not be members of your school. Silent auctions can bring out generosity and support from everywhere and are a great option for your next PTA fundraiser.
- Bake sale: Get the PTA together to plan this throughout the whole school. Students and parents can bring in their favorite treats to school and all proceeds will go towards your PTA fundraiser. Be sure to check for any local requirements related to food safety.
- Field day: A good option for the spring or summer time when the weather is nice out! Work with the school staff to reserve the field and set up fun games like bean bag races, egg tosses, and water balloon fights. Either host this on a weekend to bring in more family participation, or host as an after-school activity for students. Recruit teachers and parents to volunteer and help set up and referee the games. Students will have a great time while helping your PTA fundraising needs.
- Fall festival: Host a back-to-school fall festival to celebrate the start of autumn and the beginning of a new school year. Get the community involved by asking for donations of food and drinks.
- Crowdfunding: An easy way to gain online donations is by using a crowdfunding platform and sharing it through social media. This works best when you can communicate a specific fundraising goal or need, so people can invest in it. Promotion is key and the more sharing, the better results you will have! Here are some crowdfunding platforms that you can use for your next fundraiser.
- Book drive/book fair: Hosting a book fair can raise money for your PTA while putting good use to used books. Collect used books from the parents at your school and other community members and sell them at inexpensive prices. All proceeds can go towards your PTA and it can be hosted at the school with their permission. This is a great way to encourage reading and raise money at little to no cost for your PTA.
- Walk-a-thon: A great PTA fundraising idea that is often times very successful is a walk-a-thon. A big advantage of this event is that it can attract people of all ages and allows them to be active while being social. For more details in hosting a successful walk-a-thon, click here.
- Shoe drive: All you have to do is collect gently worn, used and new shoes from members of the school and community. From there, you can donate the shoes to an organization like this one and receive a check for the donated shoes. To learn more about how it works, click here.
We hope this list helped you think of your next great PTA fundraising idea and look forward to hosting your school’s restaurant fundraiser at your local Chipotle. To learn more and apply now for your PTA fundraiser, click here.